
Here is a list of links to some articles that may help you get to know us better.

We get a lot of requests to increase the size of a design from a crest to a full back.  Quite often, the cost increases dramatically due to the huge increase in the number of stitches required.  We change this result and reduce the cost through the judicious use of applique.  Here is a description of the process:  Bearing the Cost, Wearables Magazine, February 2013.


Of course, there's always a little bit about ME.  Chris Ruvo interviewed me in a fun little piece called "I Believe", Wearables Magazine, September 2012.

We are often called for quotes dealing with embroidery and production articles.  It's a complex business and coordinating the details is where we shine.  Following is a list of articles regarding that:

"The Productivity Guide", Stitches Magazine, January 2014.

"The Shop Managers' Special", Stitches Magazine, September/October 2013.  This featured our two shop managers, Katie Mirick and Linda Zuther. 

"Schedule for Success", Stitches Magazine, March/April 2013. 

Our latest commentary regarding inbound freight from clothing suppliers:  Now Trending, Counselor Magazine, July 2014.  In the same issue, we were asked about Choosing the Right Decorator.